Satellite Status Page
The Satellite Status Page appears when the GPS V is fi rst turned on (after the
welcome screens and warning pages). This page is part of the main page sequence
and may be displayed at any time by pressing PAGE (repeatedly) until it appears. The
Satellite Status Page includes “sky view” and signal strength depictions, which show
you how well the GPS receiver is doing at any given moment.
The sky view depicts an overhead view showing where the GPS V is looking in the
sky for each satellite, by indicating direction (azimuth) and elevation (angle above the
horizon). The outer circle on the sky view represents the horizon, in all directions.
The inner circle represents a 45° elevation above the horizon. Individual satellites are
identifi ed by number, from 01 to 32.
The signal strength bars depict relative signal strength from each satellite being
received. The taller the bar, the stronger the signal. Individual satellites are identifi ed
by number and correspond to the same satellite number depicted on the sky view.
The signal strength bars give you an indica-
tion of what satellites are visible to the GPS
receiver, whether or not they are being used to
calculate a position fi x, and the signal quality.
The hollow bars indicate the GPS V has
found the satellite(s) and is collecting data
before the satellite(s) can be used for naviga-
tion. Solid bars indicate the satellite(s) is
ready to use.
Subject Finder:
Signal Strength.................................. page 8
Lock-on Times................................. page 74
Receiver Status..................................page 9
Track Up Orientation......................page 10
New Location.................................. page 11
Satellite Status Page
Sky View
Satellite Location
and number
Receiver Status (Ready for Navigation)
Satellite Number
and Signal Strength
GPS V OM.indd 8 5/7/2003, 8:52:52 AM