Appendix C
Proximity Radius Overlaps - The alarm radius
specifi ed overlaps the area specifi ed by another proximity
Route Memory Full - Route memory is full and no
more routes can be saved or added (from another GPS unit
or a PC).
Route Truncated - The route has been truncated
because it was too long. There will be turns missing prior to
the destination.
Route Waypoint Memory is Full - There is no more
space for map-based route waypoints (used for turns).
Route Already Exists - The route name you have
entered is already being used by another route.
Too Many Vias for Road Navigation - The route con-
tains too many via points (intermediate destinations). The
route can only be navigated in an off-road or point-to-point
(manual route) fashion.
Track Already Exists - The track name you have
entered is already being used by another track.
Track Memory is Full - Track Log memory is full. No
additional track log data can be stored without deleting old
data to create memory space.
Track Truncated - A complete uploaded track will not
fi t in memory. The oldest track log points were deleted to
make space for the most recent data.
Waypoint Memory is Full - You have used all 500
waypoints available. Delete unwanted waypoints to make
space for new entries.
Waypoint Already Exists - The waypoint name you
have entered is already used by another waypoint.
GPS V OM.indd 73 5/7/2003, 8:53:45 AM