Once you are fi nished with panning, you can quickly remove the panning arrow
and re-center the map on your present position by pressing the QUIT key.
Map Page Navigation Information
The following navigation information is displayed on the Map Page:
When not navigating (no destination selected)
• Moving direction - Cardinal letters indicate the direction you are traveling.
• Speed - Your rate of travel which can be displayed in miles per hour or
kilometers per hour.
• Time of Day - Current time.
• Approaching Street - The next street ahead, by name.
When navigating (a destination is selected)
• Driving Instructions - Given in text format.
• Distance To Next - The distance remaining to reach the next turn.
• Time to Next - The time remaining to reach the next turn.
• Distance to Final - The distance remaining to reach the fi nal destination.
• ETA at Final - The estimated arrival time at the fi nal destination.
You can confi gure the Map Page to display other information using the ‘Change
Fields’ option described on page 19.
Map Page
Map Page when not navigating to a destination.
Map Page when navigating to a destination.
GPS V OM.indd 15 5/7/2003, 8:52:58 AM