
Glide Ratio To Target — The glide ratio required to descend from present position and altitude to the target
altitude at the location specifi ed on the VNAV screen.
Leg Dist — The distance between two route waypoints.
Leg Fuel — The fuel required to travel from a route waypoint to the next waypoint (in sequence) in the route.
Leg Time — The time required to travel from a route waypoint to the next waypoint (in sequence) in the route.
Max Speed — The maximum second-by-second speed recorded since last reset.
Moving Average Speed —
Average speed while the unit is moving.
Moving Trip Timer — Total time the unit has been moving.
Odometer — A running tally of distance traveled, based upon the distance between second-by-second position
Speed —
The current velocity at which you are travelling, relative to a ground position. Also referred to as ‘ground
To Course —
The recommended direction to steer in order to reduce course error or stay on course. Provides the
most effi cient heading to get back to the desired course and proceed along your route.
Track — The direction of movement relative to a ground position. Also referred to as ‘ground track’.
Trip Avg Speed (Moving) — Average speed of unit when moving since last reset.
Trip Avg Speed (Total) — Average speed of unit for both moving and stopped speeds since last reset.
Trip Odometer — A running tally of distance travelled since last reset. Also see ‘Odometer’.
Trip Timer (Moving) — Time the unit has been moving since last reset of the trip timers.
Trip Timer (Total) — Total time the unit has been in operation since last reset of the trip timers.
Turn — The angle difference between the bearing to your destination and your current track. ‘L’
indicates you should turn left, ‘R’ indicates you should turn right. The degrees indicate the angle you are off course.
Velocity Made Good — The speed you are closing in on a destination along a desired course. Also referred to as
the ‘vector velocity’ to your destination.
Vertical Speed To Target — The speed at which you are descending to the target altitude. A fi gure higher or lower
than specifi ed on the VNAV screen indicates you are descending too fast or too slow.
Voltage — Direct current voltage level of an external power source.
Glossary of Terms
Appendix D
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