Turning the Unit On/Off
Basic Operation
After the initial Welcome Page, the Database Page appears indi-
cating the database coverage area and effective dates.
An additional page will appear in the start up sequence when an
optional data card and MapSource data are installed.
To turn the GPSMAP 196 on, press and hold the RED POWER KEY.
A Welcome Page will appear while the unit conducts a self test. Once testing is complete, the Wel-
come Page is replaced by a Database Page. The Database Page shows the effective dates for the Jeppesen
database and a warning that the GPSMAP 196 is for VFR use only.
Press ENTER to acknowledge the Database Page.
The Satellite Status Page will appear as the GPSMAP 196 looks for available satellites. The
GPSMAP 196 continuously collects and stores “almanac” data when it receives a satellite(s). Almanac
data tells the GPS receiver where to look for each GPS satellite in the constellation. Each time you turn
the GPSMAP 196 on, it will use this almanac data—along with last known position, date and time—to
determine which satellites should be in view.
A minimum of three satellites is required for a two-dimensional position fi x (2D Navigation),
whereas at least four satellites are necessary for a three-dimensional position (3D Navigation). A three-
dimensional position includes latitude, longitude and altitude. Additional satellites are occasionally
needed to triangulate your position and, even if not needed to determine a position, additional satellites
will also improve position accuracy.
During normal use, expect a position fi x in 30-45 seconds. Once a suffi cient number of satellites are
received, the GPSMAP 196 will automatically transition from the Satellite Status Page to the Map Page.
Your position will appear on the map and, once you select a destination, the GPSMAP 196 will be ready
to help you navigate.
If you press any keys while the unit is acquiring satellites, the automatic sequencing from
Satellite Status Page to Map Page will not occur.
At the end of the day, when you’re fi nished using the GPSMAP 196, the same RED POWER KEY
that you use to turn the unit on also turns the unit off.
To turn the GPSMAP 196 off, press and hold the RED POWER KEY.
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