RAM Failed — Internal hardware error. Contact your dealer or Garmin Customer Service for assistance.
ROM Failed — Internal hardware error. Contact your dealer or Garmin Customer Service for assistance.
Route Already Exists —
You have entered a route name that already exists.
Route Memory Full — No additional routes can be saved.
Route Truncated —
Uploaded route from another device has more than 50 waypoints.
Route Waypoint Memory Full — No additional route waypoints can be saved.
Steep Turn Ahead — This message appears approximately one minute prior to a turn that requires a bank angle in
excess of 25 degrees in order to stay on course.
SUA Near 10 Min — Your projected course and current altitude will place you within an airspace within 10
minutes, based on your current track.
SUA Near and Ahead — Your present position is within two nautical miles of an airspace boundary, and you are
projected to enter the airspace based upon your course and current altitude.
Switched to Land Mode — Occurs in Aviation or Water modes when a Find Menu destination is selected and
automatic road routing to the destination is activated.
Near SUA — Your present position is within two nautical miles of an airspace boundary, but you are not projected
to enter the airspace based upon your current course.
Track Already Exists — A saved track with the same name already exists.
Track Log Full — Indicates the track log is full and track recording has been turned off. In order to record more
track points, you will need to clear the track log and turn track recording on. This will only be displayed when the
track recording setting is set to ‘Stop When Full”.
Track Memory Full —
No more track data can be stored without deleting old data.
Track Truncated — A complete uploaded track will not fi t in memory. The oldest track log points have been
Transfer Complete —
Data transfer has been completed.
VNAV Cancelled — The VNAV feature has been cancelled due to a change in the active route.
Waypoint Already Exists — A waypoint with the same name already exists.
Waypoint Memory Full — The unit has stored the maximum number of waypoints.
Appendix E
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