Appendix C
Call Service Activation OK - Confirmation that a call service
is activated.
Call Service Cancellation OK - Confirmation that a Call
Service has been canceled.
Call Service Not Active - When checking the Status Page this
message reports “Not Active”.
Call Service Not Available - Network Error message to indi-
cate that service ins not available.
Cannot Display All Found, Use City or Postal Code - There
are more matches for the address than the unit can display.
Insert city and postal code to reduce the number of matches.
Can’t Unlock Maps - You must use an unlock code to open the
Checking SIM for New Numbers - The unit is looking for new
numbers to add to the Phonebook.
Connected - Your Browser session has been connected.
Code Accepted - You have successfully entered the correct PIN
or PUK Code.
Code Changed - Your new code number has been accepted.
Code Error - Code is not recognized by the cellular system.
Code Must Be At Least Four Digits -
Code Not Matched - Code entry error, retry entry.
Cost Limit Exceeded - Cancel call or reset Cost Limit.
Database Error - There was an error in the unit’s database.
Detail Maps Don’t Support Routing - Install MetroGuide, City
Select, or City Navigator MapSource mapping data.
Dialling - The Browser session is dialling a phone number.
Entry Already Exists - Modify the name for the entry.
Emergency Only - The keypad is locked and you can only dial
an emergency number.
External Power Loss - Battery Life Will Be Reduced With
GPS On - The unit has switched to operation from battery power
with the GPS receiver On
External Power Lost - Power from an external source has been
disconnected. The unit is operating on battery power.
Find Produced No Results - There is no such item in the
GPS Off - The unit’s GPS receiver is turned off
GPS Turned Off (for use indoors) - The unit’s GPS receiver has
been turned off to conserve battery power and speed Map Page
display drawing.
Home Page Changed - Confirmation message indicates the
Browser Home Page has successfully changed.
Illegal Split - You cannot split and play off of these two cards .
(Blackjack Game).
Section 6
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