Appendix C
Section 6
Info Message Overwritten - A cell broadcast message has been
Key Guard is Off - Appears when Keyguard is turned Off by
pressing and holding the CLEAR key.
Key Guard Is On - Hold CLEAR To Turn Off - Instructions on
how to turn Off Key Guard when it is active.
Lost Satellite Reception - The unit has lost satellite signals. Try
moving to another location with a clearer view of the sky.
Memory Full - The unit’s memory is full. To reduce the amount
of memory used, delete unused routes, waypoints or tracks.
Message Send Failed, Save to Drafts - Your message was not
sent and will be saved for later use in the Drafts List.
Message Sent Successfully - The intended recipient has
received your SMS message.
Message Send Failed - Your SMS message was not received by
the intended recipient.
No Differential GPS Position - The beacon receiver is not
communicating with the unit. Refer to the ‘Interface’ setup page
of the unit to view the ‘Status’ field.
No Info Messages - Displays when accessing Info Messages page
when there are no messages received.
No Phone Number - No phone number is entered in Contacts
entry for this name.
None Found - There is no such address, Junction, point of inter-
est, or city in the map information database. Check spelling or
number entry and try again.
Note Memory Full - Delete selected old Notebook notes to
allow space for new notes.
Number Blacklisted - You have been redialling a number that
has not responded for multiple redials and is now being sent to
the Blacklist of numbers that do not respond to dialing.
Off Route - You have traveled off the prescribed route. Move
back or allow the unit to recalculate the route.
Off Route (Recalculating) - The unit is recalculating a new
route from your current location.
Phonebook Database Full - Delete old data to allow space for
new data.
PIN 1 Will Be used For This Type Key - The Browser needs a
PIN code for security purposes.
PIN 2 Blocked - You have exceeded three attempts to enter the PIN
2 code. See your service provider for a PUK 2 number to unblock.
PIN 2 Will Be Used For This Type Key - The Browser requires
a PIN 2 code for security purposes.
Pin Request Must Be On - This action requires a PIN 1 number
for operation. Turn the PIN request feature On.
RAM Failed - The unit has detected a failure in its internal
memory. If the message persists, service is required.
NvTlkGSMManual copy.indd 105 12/2/2002, 8:43:44 AM