
Section 3
GPS Navigation
Using the Map Navigator Page
The Map Navigator Page
Using the Map Navigator Page
The Map Navigator provides graphic display for the three methods of
unit navigation:
Goto - A direct path to a map location, (waypoint, city, address, etc.)
Travel when not on a Goto - This is best described as travel without
entering a destination in the unit. The Map Navigator displays your real
time movement as you travel with the unit turned on and receiving satel-
lites. It can be saved (logged) as a Track.
Auto-Routing - A path of travel to a selected destination using existing
roads that is automatically placed on the map. Auto-routing also provides
text directions at the top of the display indicating direction to go and when
to make turns. Using an earpiece or the Handfree Kit with remote speaker,
you can receive voice commands for each change in direction.
The Map Navigator Page Options Menu provides you with a variety
of features to enhance your navigation capabilities. You can modify the
map display to fit your needs by changing to a full screen and selecting
from a variety of setup options that control map item display, text size and
other features.
The Map Navigator Options Menu
GPS Tab - Map Navigator Page
Speed Indicator
Directional Indicator
Section 4
When Not
When Navigating
a Route
NvTlkGSMManual copy.indd 66 12/2/2002, 8:42:54 AM