Road Data The Road database allows you to show
interstate, U.S., and state highways on
the map pages of your Precedus.
All Roads - Choose ON or OFF.
Choose ON to display roads and road
names on the map pages. Choose OFF
to not display road information.
Zoom - Choose the distance from your
position that a particular road type will
be shown. If you choose OFF, that
particular road type will not be shown
on the map pages.
Idents - Choose ON or OFF. Choose
ON to display the road identifiers for the
selected Road type. Choose OFF to no
display the identifier; the road will still
be drawn.
Press to highlight the desired
item. Press or to select the
desired choice.
Press to save the selected choices.
City Wpts The City database in Map Setup allows
you to show the location and name of
cities on the map pages of your Precedus.
All Cities - Choose ON or OFF. Choose
ON to display the cities and city names
on the map pages. Choose OFF to not
display city information. City location is
shown as a “+” on the map.
City Zoom - Choose the population
threshold for the cities that will be
shown. If you choose OFF, cities will
not be shown on the map pages.
Idents - Choose OFF, SMALL,
MEDIUM or LARGE. Choose OFF to