True Air
Highlight Indicated Altitude value
(IALT) using , change the
value using or . Use the
altitude indicated on your aircraft
instruments. Change the units (feet or
meters) in the DISPLAY UNITS menu.
Highlight the Barometer (BARO) value
using , change the value
using or . Highlight the
symbol to the right of the value and use
to select either inches (“)
or millibars (mb).
Highlight the Total Outside Temperature
(TOT) value using , change
the value using or .
Typically, the TOT and TRU values
will be the same until your speed
exceeds 250 kts. Press to highlight
the measurement unit and press
or to select either Fahrenheit (F) or
Celsius (C). The DALT value will update
as you change values.
Press to highlight the Calibrated
Air Speed (CAS) valuel. This is the air
speed indicated on your instrument
panel. Use or to change the
value. True air speed will be shown in
the box below and will update the TAS
value in the next section.
Speed and
Head Wind
Use to highlight the TAS
value, change the value using or
. This value can be calculated in the
previous section or can be entered in this
section from your aircraft instruments.
Use to highlight the Heading
value, change the value using or
. The Heading value is the
direction that you are actually traveling.