Non-Directional Beacon (NDB): A low frequency/medium
frequency navigation aid sending non-directional signals that
can be used for navigation.
R Radial: Any of the 360 magnetic courses from a VOR or
similar navigational aid, beginning at the navigational aid
and proceeding outward in a straight line.
Range (RNG): The distance from the present position to a
destination waypoint.
S Second: 1/60th of a minute of a degree.
Seed Position: A latitude and longitude position fix
approximately equal to the current position that the Precedus
uses to determine the location of available satellites from
which signals may be received.
Selective Availability (SA): The degradation of accuracy of
GPS position fix data by the United States Department of
Defense for civilian use.
Statute Mile: A distance measurement equal to 5,280 feet or
0.87 of a nautical mile.
T Three-dimensional (3D) Position Fix: A position fix
defined by latitude, longitude, and altitude.
TOT: Total Outside Temperature. Also called indicated air
temperature, this is the total temperature of the outside air
temperature (TRU) and the heating effect of the aircraft
moving through the air. The heating effect is usually
negligable for most piston aircraft.
Track (TRK): The imaginary line that the flight path of an
airplane makes over the earth.
TRU: True outside air temperature.
True North: Geographic north, at the earth’s north pole.
Tower (TWR): Airport tower communication frequency
U UNICOM: The radio frequencies assigned to aeronautical
advisory stations for communication with aircraft. Unicoms