StreetPilot 7200/7500 Owner’s Manual 31
ListeninG to MUsic and aUdibLe books
4. Enter your Audible user name and password.
Click Next.
5. Connect your StreetPilot to your computer using
the USB cable. Touch USB Mass Storage. Wait
a few moments for AudibleManager to detect
your StreetPilot.
6. Select
Activate my player(s) and click Next.
7. Please wait while AudibleManager attempts
to activate your StreetPilot. Upon completion,
a message appears saying the process was
successful. Click Finish.
NOTE: If you are unable to connect to the
Internet or have any other problems activating
your StreetPilot, refer to the Audible Manager
Help le. Select Help from the menu and click
Loading Audible Books to Your StreetPilot
After following the steps on the previous page, you are
ready to load an audible book to your StreetPilot.
Step 1: Connect the StreetPilot to your computer
Connecting the USB Cable
1. Connect the mini-USB connector to the side of
the StreetPilot.
2. Connect the larger end of the cable to an
available USB port on your computer.
3. If you want to load the book on your
SD card,
insert the SD card into the slot in your StreetPilot.