K177 Issue No. 3
2 RPT 301 User Manual
Power supply
Electrical Safety:.......................................... EN61010 (IEC 1010) as applicable
Voltage .............................................................. 4.5 to 32 V DC
Power.......................... 0.6 Watts at 5 V to 0.75 Watts at 32 V
Electromagnetic compatibility
............................................................ EN50081-1 (emissions)
............................................................. EN50082-2 (immunity)
Switch on
Settling Time: ... Less than 5 seconds (with filtering disabled)
Pressure measurement
Measurement cycle: ........................................ Fixed, nominally 0.5 seconds
Reading Filter:
Single pole low pass filter, variable time constant and step response
Reading Resolution: ........................ Programmable number of decimal places
Data Communications:
Serial RS232 or RS485 (selectable)
Software or hardware handshaking on RS232
software handshaking only on RS485.
Power Control
(Remote Start-Up) A floating ‘volt free’ two-wire control input is provided
to enable the instrument to be remotely switched on
or off.
Pressure connection
.............................................................................. G1/8 female
overpressure................................... 1.25 x calibrated full-scale
pressure containment ................................................... 5 bar a
Pressure medium compatibility: .......................
Dry gases compatible with:
Glass, Silicon, Titanium, Stainless Steel and Epoxy adhesive
Note: Continuing development sometimes necessitates specification changes
without notice.