RPT 301 User Manual 13
K177 Issue No. 3
3.3 General Command Format
The instrument is controlled by a sequence of single letter commands.
Some commands require one or more numeric values to follow the
letter, the correct number of parameters must be sent with this type of
command. All command fields must be separated by a comma. The
instrument accepts upper-case or lower-case letters.
Single commands
Single commands should be of the form:
Command, P1, P2, ,Pn<CT>
Where, Command is a single ASCII character, P1 to Pn are numbers in
the form: (-) mmm.ddd
e.g. 123.456 or 1.23456E02
Single Command
<CT> is the command terminator (CR or CRLF)
A,3<CR> selects auto-send mode with 3 second period
a,3<CRLF> has the same effect
Command Strings
Commands can be strung together with a separating semicolon. The
whole command string is only interpreted and actioned when a valid
terminator is received.
Multiple Commands (Command String)
1. O, PIN, address, baud, data bits, stop bits, parity, handshake; U, units;
Reply: None
This command string sets: port address (00), baud rate, units and new PIN