RPT 301 User Manual 15
K177 Issue No. 3
3.4 General Reply Format
For commands that have a reply string, the reply terminator <RT> is
always transmitted and is always <CR> followed by <LF>.
<RT> is expected with all commands but only shown in some of the
following sections for clarity (e.g.: Section 5.3 Diagnostics Mode).
Command Terminator
Command strings must end with the command terminator <CT>.
For Dumb Terminal applications press the carriage return (or enter)
With a Terminal Emulator communications application, the
application must be set-up to give the required output when the carriage
return (or enter) key is pressed.
For Custom applications, <CR> (decimal 13) or <CRLF> (decimal 13
followed by decimal 10) must be added to the end of each complete
command string.
<CT> is expected with all commands except for some interactive
commands where further explanation is necessary (e.g.: Section 4 User
3.5 Error Message
Error messages are generated from two sources:
a. The command decoder. A command error causes the return
of an error message and stops the rest of the command string.
The instrument sends an error message corresponding to the
command error.
b. A pressure sensor fault causes an error message to be sent.
Serious faults block the transmission of pressure data and
sends the error message in place of data.