Chapter 6 Backdating
6-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide
This chapter contains information necessary to adapt this guide to apply
to older instruments.
The backdating information includes the following:
Manual Changes
This guide applies directly to Counters with the following serial prefixes
listed in Table 6-1.
As engineering changes are made, newer instruments may have higher
serial prefix numbers than the one shown on the title page of this guide.
The guides for these instruments will be supplied with “Manual Updating
Changes” package containing the required information. Replace the
affected pages or modify existing guide information as directed in the
pages of the Manual Updating Changes package. Contact the nearest
Hewlett-Packard Sales and Support Office.
Older Instruments
To adapt this guide to older HP 53131A/132A/181A Counters having a
serial prefix lower than 3711, perform the backdating provided in the
following sections.
• Backdating Hardware page 6-3
• Backdating Firmware page 6-8
• Backdating Specifications page 6-16
Table 6-1. Instrument this Guide Directly Applies To
Instrument Serial Prefix Number
HP 53131A Universal Counter 3711
HP 53132A Universal Counter 3710
HP 53181A Frequency Counter 3711