Chapter 7 HP 53131A/132A Specifications
7-2 Assembly-Level Service Guide
The specifications of the HP 53131A/132A Universal Counter are provided
in this chapter.
Specifications and Characteristics for Channels 1 and 2 are identical for both Common and Separate configurations.
Values shown are for X1 attenuator setting. Multiply all values by 10 (nominal) when using the X10 attenuator setting. Note that it may be
necessary to recalibrate the input offset in the application environment (especially at high temperature) to achieve maximum sensitivity.
When ordered with optional rear terminals, the Channel 1 and 2 inputs are active on both the front and rear of the universal counter though the
specifications provided only apply to the rear terminals. Performance for the front terminals is degraded, but may be improved by terminating
the rear terminals into 50
Instrument Inputs
Channel 1 & 2 Input Specifications
Channel 1 & 2 Input Characteristics
Frequency Range
DC Coupled: DC to 225 MHz
AC Coupled: 1 MHz to 225 MHz (50 Ω)
30 Hz to 225 MHz (1 MΩ)
FM Tolerance: 25%
Voltage Range and Sensitivity (Sinusoid)
DC to 100 MHz: 20 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc
(75 mVrms with optional rear connectors)
100 MHz to 200 MHz: 30 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc
(75 mVrms with optional rear connectors)
200 MHz to 225 MHz: 40 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc
(75 mVrms with optional rear connectors)
Voltage Range and Sensitivity (Single-Shot Pulse)
4.5 ns to 10 ns Pulse Width: 100 mVpp to 10 Vpp
(150 mVpp with optional rear connectors)
>10 ns Pulse Width: 50 mVpp to 10 Vpp
(100 mVpp with optional rear connectors)
Trigger Level
Range: ±5.125 V
Accuracy: ±(15 mV + 1% of trigger level)
Resolution: 5 mV
Damage Level
50 Ω:5 Vrms
0 to 3.5 kHz, 1 MΩ: 350 V dc + ac pk
3.5 kHz to 100 kHz, 1 MΩ: 350 V dc + ac pk linearly derated to 5 Vrms
>100 kHz, 1 MΩ:5 Vrms
Impedance: 1 MΩ or 50 Ω
1 MΩ Capacitance: 30 pF
Coupling: AC or DC
Low-Pass Filter: 100 kHz (or disabled)
–20 dB at > 1 MHz
Input Sensitivity: Selectable between
Low, Medium, or High (default).
Low is approximately
2x High Sensitivity.
Trigger Slope: Positive or Negative
Auto Trigger Level
Range: 0 to 100% in 10% steps
Frequency: > 100 Hz
Input Amplitude: > 100 mVpp
(No amplitude modulation)
Voltage Range: x10
Trigger Range: x10
0 Hz 3.5 KHz 100 KHz
5 Vrms
350 Vdc + acpk
1 MΩ