Chapter 1 Performance Tests
HP 53181A Complete Performance Tests
Assembly-Level Service Guide 1-47
HP 53181A Complete Performance Tests
The specifications of the HP 53181A Frequency Counter can be verified
by performing the performance tests provided in this section. Table 1-3
lists a summary of the HP 53181A performance tests.
Record the results of the performance tests in the appropriate
place on HP 53181A Performance Test Record, which starts on
page 1-71.
(Note: the complete performance tests for the HP 53131A/132A Universal
Counter begin on page 1-16 of this chapter.)
To perform valid testing of the specifications, warm up the Counter and
test equipment for 30 minutes.
Table 1-3. The HP 53181A Performance Tests
Page Number
Test Description
* Other Counter measurement functions (e.g., Period) are mathematically derived by the microprocessor from
the parameters verified by these performance tests.
page 1-48 Test 1: Trigger Level (HP 53181A Only)
page 1-51 Test 2: Channel 1 Frequency Sensitivity (HP 53181A Only)
page 1-55 Test 3: Channel 1 Frequency Accuracy (HP 53181A Only)
page 1-58 Test 4: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency
page 1-63 Test 5: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency
Accuracy (HP 53181A Only)
page 1-68 Test 6: Peak Volts, Channel 1 (HP 53181A Only)
page 1-70 HP 53181A HP-IB Verification Program (Optional)