
Error Messages
130 Embedded Web Server User Guide
Error 152: Invalid FICON
Management Server State
The request cannot be
completed because the
FICON MS state
submitted is invalid.
The FICON MS state may
be set to either enable or
Error 153: Feature Key
Not Installed
The request cannot be
completed because the
required feature key has
not been installed to the
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Error 154: Invalid
Membership List WWN
The request cannot be
completed because the
WWN does not exist in
the switch binding
membership list.
Make sure that the WWN
deleted matches the
WWN in the switch
membership list. Make
appropriate changes and
resubmit the request.
Error 155: Cannot
Remove Active Member
From List
This member cannot be
removed from the fabric
security list because it is
currently logged in.
Fabric security rules
prohibit any device or
switch from being isolated
from the fabric via a
membership list change. If
it is truly the intention of
the user to remove the
device in question from
the membership list, then
there are several
approaches to take. This
request may be
completed most
non-disruptively by
blocking the port (or
physically removing the
device from the managed
switch) to which this
device is attached and
resubmitting the request.
Error 156: Cannot
Disable Fabric Binding
while Switch is Online
The switch must be offline
and fabric binding must
be inactive before this
feature can be disabled.
Deactivating this feature
can be disruptive to
Fabric operations. Take
the switch offline and
deactivate fabric binding
before disabling this
Table 9: Embedded Web Serve Messages (Continued)
Message Description Action