Viewing Product and Fabric Data
83Embedded Web Server User Guide
Viewing Operating Parameters for a Fabric
To view the Operating Parameters of a product, perform the following procedure:
1. Choose View from the navigation panel.
2. Choose the Operating Parameters tab. The Operating Parameters tab view
displays (Figure 27 on page 81) showing Switch Parameters and Fabric
This tab view shows the following Switch Parameters information for the
■ BB Credit — the BB_Credit value for the fabric (not available on the
Edge Switch 2/24).
■ R_A_TOV — Resource Allocation Time Out Value (R_A_TOV) used by the
fabric. Specified in tenths of a second.
■ E_D_TOV — Error Detection Time Out Value (E_D_TOV) value used by the
fabric. Specified in tenths of a second.
■ Switch Priority — Priority value of the switch. Values can be Default,
Principal, and Never Principal.
■ Interop Mode — Interoperability mode of the fabric. Values can be
Homogenous Fabric and Open Fabric 1.0. (This field is not valid if the
product’s Operation Mode is S/390.)
Viewing Fabric Directors and Switches
To view information about the HP high availability fabric directors and switches
on a menu, perform the following procedure:
1. Choose View from the navigation panel.
2. Choose the Fabric tab and the Products tab. The Products tab view displays
(Figure 28).
Note: The page may take some time to display. If the message Attempting to
Collect Data displays in a product cell, you may want to refresh the image to load
data that has been collected. Click the Refresh icon at the top right of the window.