Configuring Zones
68 Embedded Web Server User Guide
Rename the zone — To rename a configured zone, type the new name in
the Zone field and click Rename Zone. After the name is validated, the
zone name is changed.
6. Nodes may be local to this product or they may be attached to a remote fabric
member. Add or delete zone members as follows:
Note: A zone can have a maximum of 1024 zone members. A product can have a
maximum of 1024 zone members in its zones.
■ Add member by attached node WWN — Choose the WWN of an
attached device (node) from the Attached Node World Wide Name
drop-down list and click the Add Member button. The device is added to
the zone.
Note: The Attached Node World Wide Name list is ordered by Domain ID and
includes the first 140 attached nodes in the fabric.
■ Add member by WWN — Type the WWN of a device in the World
Wide Name field and click the adjacent Add Member button. The device
is added to the zone.
■ Add member by domain ID and port number — Type the domain ID
(1 through 31) of the switch in the Domain ID field, type the switch port
number to which a device is attached, and click the adjacent Add
Member button. The device attached to that port is added to the zone.
■ Delete a member — To delete a zone member, click the Delete button
adjacent to the configured zone member (WWN or domain ID and port
number) at the bottom of the page. A confirmation dialog box displays.
Click OK to delete the zone member.
7. Changes to a zone, zoning configuration, or zone member are not saved and
activated on the switch until saved as part of a zone set. See the next section,
“Configuring Zone Sets,” for information about performing this function.
8. Up to 64 zones may be displayed on a single page. If a zone set has more than
64 zones defined, you can display additional pages by choosing Display
Previous Zones or Display More Zones. These fields are grayed out if there
are 64 or fewer zones defined for a zone set.