Menu basics 16
Table 4 Global commands
Command Action
Saves the active configuration to backup, and saves the current configuration as active.
save n saves the current configuration as active, without saving the active configuration
to backup.
Removes changes that have been made, but not applied.
revert apply removes all changes that have not been saved.
Exit or quit Exits from the command line interface and logs out.
Verifies station-to-station connectivity across the network. The format is:
ping <host name>|<IP address> [attempts (1-32)> [msec delay]]
• IP address is the hostname or IP address of the device.
• number of tries (optional) is the number of attempts (1-32).
• msec delay (optional) is the number of milliseconds between attempts.
• By default, the -m or -mgt option for the management port is used. To use data
ports, specify the -d or –data option.
Identifies the route used for station-to-station connectivity across the network. The format
traceroute <host name>|<IP address> [<max-hops> [ msec delay ]]
• IP address is the hostname or IP address of the target station.
• max-hops (optional) is the maximum distance to trace (1-32 devices).
• msec delay (optional) is the number of milliseconds to wait for the response.
Displays the command path used to reach the current menu.
verbose n
Sets the level of information displayed on the screen:
• 0 = Quiet: Nothing displays except errors, not even prompts.
• 1 = Normal: Prompts and requested output are shown, but no menus.
• 2 = Verbose: Everything is shown. This is the default.
• When used without a value, the current setting is displayed.
This command is used to Telnet out of the switch. The format is:
telnet <hostname> | <IP address> [port] [-m|-mgt|-d|-data]
By default, the -m or -mgt option for the management port is used. To use data ports,
specify the -d or –data option.
Displays the history of the last ten commands.
Remembers the current location in the directory of menu commands.
Returns to the last pushd location.
Displays users who are logged in.