
Maintenance Menu 218
Forwarding Database options
Command: /maint/fdb
[FDB Manipulation Menu]
find - Show a single FDB entry by MAC address
port - Show FDB entries for a single port
vlan - Show FDB entries for a single VLAN
dump - Show all FDB entries
clear - Clear entire FDB, then re-add static entries
The Forwarding Database (FDB) Manipulation Menu can be used to view information and to delete a
MAC address from the Forwarding Database or clear the entire Forwarding Database. This is helpful
in identifying problems associated with MAC address learning and packet forwarding decisions.
The following table describes the FDB Manipulation Menu options.
Table 198
FDB Manipulation Menu options
Command Usage
find <MAC address> [<1-4094>]
Displays a single database entry by its MAC address. You are
prompted to enter the MAC address of the device. Enter the MAC
address using one of the following:
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format (for example:
xxxxxxxxxxxx format (for example: 080020123456)
port <port number>
Displays all FDB entries for a particular port.
vlan <1-4094>
Displays all FDB entries on a single VLAN.
Displays all entries in the Forwarding Database.
Clears the entire Forwarding Database from switch memory, and
then adds the static entries to the Forwarding Database.
Debugging options
Command: /maint/debug
[Miscellaneous Debug Menu]
tbuf - Show MP trace buffer
snap - Show MP snap (or post-mortem) trace buffer
clrcfg - Clear all flash configs
The Miscellaneous Debug Menu displays trace buffer information about events that can be helpful in
understanding switch operation. You can view the following information using the Debug Menu:
Events traced by the management processor (MP)
Events traced to a buffer area when a reset occurs
If the switch resets for any reason, the management processor (MP) trace buffer is saved into the snap
trace buffer area. The output from these commands can be interpreted by HP technical support.