
Chapter 5 137
Analog Measurements - Screens and Control Fields
Internal Level (div)
This field selects the trigger source.
Internal uses the signal being displayed for triggering.
Ext (TTL) uses the EXT SCOPE TRIGGER INPUT for triggering.
This is a TTL level trigger (approximately 2.5 V).
Screens on which this field is displayed
SCOPE: trigger controls menu
Level (div)
This control is divided into two fields:
The upper field (0.00) sets the internal trigger level as a function of
vertical divisions. The trigger level is indicated by small pointers that
appear on each side of the screen (only used for internal triggering).
The lower field (Pos/Neg) specifies whether triggering happens when
the waveform being measured is positive-going (Pos
), or negative-going
Screens on which this field is displayed
SCOPE: trigger controls menu
Main Menu