2-14 HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B Installation and Reference
Installing and Configuring the HP Surestore FC 1Gb/2Gb Switch 16B
Note The password operand is only required if you are using FTP.
5. Reboot the switch by entering the following command:
Next Steps
Specific tasks remain to be completed before the switch is fully operational and
manageable in your network with your equipment. These tasks and the associated tools are
described in the remaining documents shipped with the product on the documentation CD-
ROM. This section provides specific guidance for completing tasks that many users may
need to do.
Setting QuickLoop Mode on Ports
The default configuration for a port is fabric mode. QuickLoop is used to connect private
hosts to private storage using the Fibre Channel network. A QuickLoop zone, connecting
two switches, may be used to expand the number of private hosts and storage connected.
An entire switch can be set to operate in QuickLoop mode using the
qlEnable telnet
command. A port on a switch operating in Mixed mode can be set to or removed from
QuickLoop using the telnet commands
qlPortEnable and qlPortDisable. See the
QuickLoop User’s Guide for more details.
Setting Up Speed Negotiation
The FC 16B ports can operate at three different speed levels: auto-sensing mode, 1 Gbps
mode, or 2 Gbps mode. Use the telnet command
switchCfgSpeed to set the speed level
for all ports in a switch. Use the
portCfgSpeed to set the speed level for a single port.
Depending on your environment you may need to force a port to use a specific speed level.
Check the configuration information for your network components for specific
requirements. See the Fabric OS Reference Manual for a detailed command description.
Configuring Supported Devices
HP Surestore Director FC-64 Switch
The FC 16B switch can be used with the HP Surestore Director FC-64 switch. Specific
configurations must be set on both devices to make this work.