Configuration Menu 140
Domain Name System configuration
Command: /cfg/l3/dns
[Domain Name System Menu]
prima - Set IP address of primary DNS server
secon - Set IP address of secondary DNS server
dname - Set default domain name
cur - Display current DNS configuration
The Domain Name System (DNS) Configuration Menu is used for defining the primary and secondary DNS servers
on your local network, and for setting the default domain name served by the switch services. DNS parameters must
be configured prior to using hostname parameters with the ping, traceroute, and tftp commands.
The following table describes the Domain Name System (DNS) Configuration Menu options.
Table 148 Domain Name System (DNS) Configuration Menu options
Command Description
prima <IP address>
Sets the IP address for your primary DNS server. Use dotted
decimal notation. For example,
secon <IP address> Sets the IP address for your secondary DNS server. If the
primary DNS server fails, the configured secondary will be
used instead. Enter the IP address using dotted decimal
notation. For example,
dname <dotted DNS notation>|none Sets the default domain name used by the switch.
For example: mycompany.com
cur Displays the current Domain Name System (DNS) settings.
Bootstrap Protocol Relay configuration
Command: /cfg/l3/bootp
[Bootstrap Protocol Relay Menu]
addr - Set IP address of BOOTP server
addr2 - Set IP address of second BOOTP server
on - Globally turn BOOTP relay ON
off - Globally turn BOOTP relay OFF
cur - Display current BOOTP relay configuration
NOTE: This menu is available only on the GbE2c Layer 2/3 Ethernet Blade Switch.
The Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) Relay Menu is used to allow hosts to obtain their configurations from a Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. The BOOTP configuration enables the switch to forward a client request for an
IP address to two DHCP/BOOTP servers with IP addresses that have been configured on the GbE2c.
BOOTP relay is turned off by default.
The following table describes the BOOTP Configuration Menu options.
Table 149 BOOTP Configuration Menu options
Command Description
addr <IP address>
Sets the IP address of the BOOTP server. For example,
addr2 <IP address>
Sets the IP address of the secondary BOOTP server. For example,
on Globally turns on BOOTP relay.
off Globally turns on BOOTP relay.
cur Displays the current BOOTP relay configuration.