Maintenance Menu 169
IP Route Manipulation options
Command: /maint/route
[IP Routing Menu]
find - Show a single route by destination IP address
gw - Show routes to a single gateway
type - Show routes of a single type
tag - Show routes of a single tag
if - Show routes on a single interface
dump - Show all routes
clear - Clear route table
The following table describes the IP Route Manipulation Menu options:
Table 190 IP Route Manipulation Menu options
Command Usage
find <IP address>
Shows a single route by destination IP address.
gw <IP address>
Shows routes to a default gateway.
Shows routes of a single type.
tag fixed|static|addr|rip|ospf|
Shows routes of a single tag.
if <1-256>
Shows routes on a single interface.
Shows all routes.
Clears the route table from switch memory.
IGMP Multicast Group options
Command: /maint/igmp
[IGMP Multicast Group Menu]
snoop - IGMP Snooping Menu
mrouter - IGMP Multicast Router Port Menu
clear - Clear group and mrouter tables
The following table describes the IGMP Multicast Group Maintenance Menu options.
Table 191 IGMP Multicast Group Menu options
Command Usage
snoop Displays the IGMP Snooping maintenance menu.
mrouter Displays the IGMP Multicast Router maintenance menu.
clear Clears IGMP Multicast data from switch memory.