Appendix B: Camera and Accessories Information 115 Battery Life
Battery Life
Caution: Use only 4 AA photo lithium, high
drain alkaline, or NiMH batteries, or one lithium
ion (Li Ion) battery in the HP 912 digital camera.
Do not mix batteries of different types. If using
AA batteries, replace all 4 batteries at the same
time; do not replace the batteries individually.
Always follow all of the manufacturer’s
instructions on the battery package when
handling, recharging, or disposing of batteries.
The life of the batteries you use in your HP 912 camera depends on how you use the camera and on
the type of batteries you use. The following table provides estimates of battery life in a variety of
usage scenarios, including:
Light use in Capture mode (image LCD off, no flash)
Moderate use in Capture mode (some use of image LCD and flash)
Leaving the camera in the idle state (image LCD off)
Using the camera in Review mode
Using the camera in live view of Capture mode (image LCD on)
To preserve battery life:
Limit the use of the image LCD, or turn it off.
Limit the use of the flash, or turn it off.
Set the camera to take lower resolution and/or lower quality images. (See “File Settings Sub-
menu” on page 61.) Higher resolution and higher quality images take the camera longer to
process and compress.
Limit operating the camera in cold temperature conditions. Operating the camera at colder
temperatures results in shorter battery life.
Always replace all 4 AA batteries at the same time. One low-charged battery will reduce the life
for all batteries in the camera. This is true of both non-rechargeable and rechargeable batteries.
Note: An AC power adapter provides power to
the camera
it does not recharge the batteries.
Use the HP-approved AC power adapter with your camera instead of batteries, or use
rechargeable batteries. The following section lists the HP-approved accessories you can use for
powering the camera.
Usage Scenario Photo Lithium NiMH High Drain Alkaline
Light Capture Mode (Shots) 640 350 180
Moderate Capture Mode (Shots) 380 210 100
Idle State (Minutes) 420 200 200
Review Mode (Minutes) 180 100 75
Live View Capture Mode (Minutes) 120 70 45