Chapter 1: Introduction 6 What’s in this Guide
What’s in this Guide
This User’s Guide provides all the “how to” and reference information you need to use your
camera successfully.
Part of Manual What is Covered
“Chapter 2: Preparing to Take Pictures” How to adjust settings in the status LCD, image LCD, and Capture mode
menus to prepare your camera to take pictures.
“Chapter 3: Taking Pictures” How to take simple point-and-shoot pictures, as well as more advanced
pictures. Also how to use the zoom, Instant Review, and the sound
recording features.
“Chapter 4: Viewing and Reviewing
How to view images full screen, play back timelapse and grouped image
sequences, and create slideshows of images in Playback mode. Also how
to edit, organize, delete, and search for images in Review mode.
“Chapter 5: Sharing Images” How to share images by transferring them to your computer, JetSending
them to a printer, transmitting them to other cameras and printers, and
viewing them on a television.
“Chapter 6: Menu and Soft Key Reference” What each of your camera’s menus and related soft keys do.
“Chapter 7: Troubleshooting” How to fix common problems when using the camera, and how to contact
HP Customer Care for help, if needed.
“Appendix A: Using the Preferences Menu” How to use the Preferences menu to change a variety of your camera’s
general settings.
“Appendix B: Camera and Accessories
Specifications for the camera, as well as information about some of the
accessories that the camera supports.
“Appendix C: Product Warranties” Limited product warranty and the HP Year 2000 warranty for the camera.
“Appendix D: Product Safety and
Regulatory Information”
Safety information and regulatory notices regarding the camera and
some of its accessories.
“Glossary” Definitions of the terms related to your camera that are used throughout
this guide and in the camera’s Quick Start Guide.
“Index” Where to find particular topics about your camera throughout this guide.