Chapter 5: Sharing Images 46 Transferring Images to Your Computer
Chapter 5: Sharing Images
You can use the images you capture with your camera in many fun and creative ways. You can
transfer them to your computer for use in creative projects, or for sharing with family and friends via
the Internet. If you have a printer that supports the HP JetSend infrared technology, you can use
HP JetSend for wireless printing of your images. You can even connect the camera to your television
to view a slideshow of your images on the television.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Transferring Images to Your Computer” on page 46
“Using a Digital Print Order Format (DPOF) File” on page 52
“JetSending Images to a Printer” on page 54
“Transmitting Images Between Two Cameras” on page 56
“Connecting the Camera to Your Television” on page 58
Transferring Images to Your Computer
Caution: Be aware that any sound (namely,
sound tags and other EXIF tags) you have
captured and attached to images with your
camera may not be supported and may be lost
if you use image editing software other than the
HP Photo Imaging Software with the images on
your computer.
You can transfer images to your computer when the camera is set to PC Connect mode. The
PC Connect Mode submenu of the Preferences menu lets you specify how the camera will appear to
your computer when connected via the USB interface. You can set the camera to one of the following
settings in the PC Connect Mode submenu depending on the operating system that is running on
your computer:
PC Connect Mode
PC Connect ModePC Connect Mode
PC Connect Mode How Images are Transferred
How Images are TransferredHow Images are Transferred
How Images are Transferred Operating Systems
Operating SystemsOperating Systems
Operating Systems
You can use software included with your computer
or camera to transfer images to the computer.
Windows® Me, 98,
and 2000
USB Disk Drive The camera is operated as a USB Mass Storage
Device and appears as a disk drive connected to
your computer. So you can copy images from
your camera to the computer as you would from
another disk drive.
Mac® OS 8.6
or better,
Windows Me, 98,
and 2000