
The External Volumes list provides the following information:
External volume group number and sequential number
assigned to each volume in the external volume group.
This appears in the format of external volume group
number - sequential number of volume in
the group. The sequential numbers of volumes in the
group are automatically assigned by XP External Storage
when the external volumes are mapped.
LDKC:CU:LDEV number that is assigned to the external
volume. When multiple LDEVs are created in the external
volume, the top LDEV number appears, and [...] appears
at the end of the number.
Identification number of the external volume.Characteristic1
Name of the storage system that is reported to the host by
the external volume. The displayed items differs depending
on the vendor of the storage system.
Capacity, in blocks, of the external volume.Capacity (blocks)
Indicates whether the write data from the host to the
external storage system is propagated synchronously
(Disable) or asynchronously (Enable). Data that is not written
by the host (for example, data written by XP Business Copy)
is asynchronously destaged to the external storage system
regardless of the Cache Mode setting.
Cache Mode
Indicates whether the writing operation to the cache
memory is stopped (Enable) or continued (Disable) when
the writing operation to the external volume is impossible.
Inflow Control
Indicates how the cross-subsystem paths work. The modes
of the cross-subsystem path are as follows:
Single: Only the cross-subsystem path with the highest
priority (primary path) is used to execute the I/O to the
external volume. When an error occurred in the primary
path, the path with the second highest priority is used.
Multi: All of the cross-subsystem paths are used at the
same time. The multiple paths are used to execute the
I/Os to the external volume distributing the work load.
APLB: All of the cross-subsystem paths are used at the
same time. The multiple paths are used to execute the
I/Os to the external volume distributing the work load.
However, the paths are not used when the paths are
connected to ports in the Passive status.
Path Mode
Information about the external volume.
An asterisk (*) appears when the external volume is a SATA
drive of the following storage systems. Usage of SATA
drives differs depending on storage systems, and therefore
SATA drives should be used accordingly.
USP V/USP VM storage system
AMS/WMS storage system
SMS storage system
Thunder 9500V series storage system
A dollar sign ($) appears when the external volume is an
SSD drive of the USP V/USP VM storage system. Usage
of SSD drives differs depending on storage systems, and
therefore SSD drives should be used accordingly.
Ext. VOL Info
52 Using the XP External Storage GUI