Table 7 Cross-subsystem Paths List Details (continued)
Identification number of the port in the external storage
Right-click a row in the Cross-subsystem Paths list (at the
bottom of the window) to perform the following operation:
• Configure Cross-Subsystem Paths: Opens the Configure
Cross-subsystem Paths dialog box. This dialog box
allows you to add and delete cross-subsystem paths,
and also change the priority of the selected
cross-subsystem path. See “Configure Cross-subsystem
Paths Dialog Box” (page 79).
Pop-up menu
Preview Dialog Box
Use the Preview dialog box to check or cancel the settings that will be applied to the local storage
system. To display the Preview dialog box, click Preview in the Volume Operation window, the
Path Operation window, or the Port Operation window. This document uses the phrase XP External
Storage windows for these three windows.
The contents displayed in the Preview dialog box are displayed in blue and italics in the list of the
XP External Storage windows. The contents displayed in the Preview dialog box have not yet been
applied to the local storage system. When you click Apply on the XP External Storage windows,
the settings in the Preview dialog box are applied to the local storage system. When the settings
are applied, the contents of the Preview dialog box disappear, and the list of the XP External
Storage windows appears normally. When you click Cancel on the XP External Storage windows,
all the settings in the Preview dialog box are canceled.
When the settings in the Preview dialog box are not applied to the local storage system even if
you click Apply on the XP External Storage windows, an error message appears and the erroneous
settings are displayed in blue and italics in the XP External Storage windows. To see the error
detail, click Preview to open the Preview dialog box.
The identical error codes may be displayed for all the errors listed in the Preview dialog box
depending on the type of errors occurred. In this case, check the status of settings and identify the
error source.
54 Using the XP External Storage GUI