completed. To configure the cross-subsystem paths, use the Configure Cross-subsystem Paths dialog
CAUTION: You cannot delete all the current cross-subsystem paths to substitute newly added
cross-subsystem paths for them in one operation. To replace all the current cross-subsystem paths
with newly added cross-subsystem paths, you need to perform more than two operations and leave
at least one current cross-subsystem path setting when you perform the first operation.
Configure Cross-subsystem Paths Dialog Box
Use the Configure Cross-subsystem Paths dialog box to configure cross-subsystem paths. This dialog
box opens automatically when you add a volume to a new path group using the Add Volume
(Auto) command or the Add Volume (Manual) command. You can also open this dialog box by
clicking the Configure Cross-subsystem Paths command in the Volume Operation window.
You can change the priority, add and delete the cross-subsystem path in the Configure
Cross-subsystem Paths dialog box.
The Volume Operation window displays only the external storage system for which you have
configured the mapping. However, the Configure Cross-subsystem Paths dialog box shows all the
external storage systems connected to the local storage system even without the mapping
configuration. To update the dialog box, click Port Discovery in the upper right of the dialog box.
Figure 31 Configure Cross-subsystem Paths Dialog Box
The Configure Cross-subsystem Paths dialog box consists of:
• Available Paths (Upper part of the dialog box)
The following three panes appear from the left.
The left pane shows the external storage systems connected to the local storage system.
◦ Vendor: Vendor name.
◦ Product Name: Product name.
◦ Serial Number: Serial number of the product.
Setting the Cross-subsystem Paths 79