Audio Command Center Series Manual — P/N 51889:E1 6/8/2010 71
Operation Operating Instructions
Turn on the appropriate Zone and Message 1 LED steady
Turn on selected Notification Appliance Circuit speaker(s)
Turn on selected Audio Amplifier(s)
Transmit the tone before message if programmed
Transmit the appropriate digital voice message (repeating message the number of times
Transmit the tone after message if programmed (repeating tone the number of times
Transmit a primary evacuation tone only (if programmed)
Single Zone Operation
Manual Evacuation for Single Zone Operation is the same as Dual Zone except it is not necessary
to press the Zone1/Zone 2 push-button(s).
4.5.4 Manual Evacuation/Alert Restoral
Dual Zone Operation (ACC-25/50 Only)
The ACC-25/50 Series will, upon pressing of the Zone 1 and/or Zone 2 push-button and the
selected message push-button a second time:
Turn off the appropriate Zone and Message LED
Turn off selected Notification Appliance Circuit speakers
Turn off selected Audio Amplifiers
Turn off the digital voice message or tone at its present point in transmission
Single Zone Operation
Manual Evacuation Restoral for Single Zone Operation is the same as Dual Zone except it is not
necessary to press the Zone1/Zone 2 push-button(s).
4.5.5 Audio On/Off: ACC-25/50 Single Zone and ACC-25/50ZS/T
When the ACC-25/50 is programmed for Single Zone operation, the Zone 2 push-button is config-
ured for Audio On/Off indication and control. The LED in the Audio On/Off push-button will illu-
minate green when the ACC-25/50 Series has been activated manually (microphone, message
button, etc.) or automatically by an FACP.
Pressing the Audio On/Off button while the system is active (LED=green) will disconnect audio to
the output of the Audio Amplifier Module(s) and:
• illuminate the Audio On/Off push-button LED yellow and generate a system trouble to
indicate manual deactivation if the ACC-25/50 Series was activated by an FACP
• extinguish the Audio On/Off LED if the system was manually activated (no system trouble is
Pressing this button when the system is deactivated will restore audio back to the Audio Amplifier
Module output(s) and cause the Audio On/Off LED to illuminate green.
4.5.6 All Call: ACC-25/50, Single Zone Configuration
When the ACC-25/50 is configured for Single Zone operation, All-Call functionality is assigned to
the Zone 1 Push-button. All-Call activates all non-manually deactivated speaker circuits. Press-
ing the All-Call push-button activates the ACC-25/50 speaker circuit(s) and energizes the Master
Command Bus to trigger the speaker circuits on all ACC-25/50DA(s). Note that All-Call paging