Audio Command Center Series Manual — P/N 51889:E1 6/8/2010 77
Operation Operating Instructions
Background Music
• When background music option is enabled via S5 DIP switch 3, the ACC-25/50 will constantly
monitor the external audio input RCA Jack. Both amplifiers and speaker wiring continue to be
fully supervised when background
music is output from the ACC-25/50. Amplifier faults are
reported after 75 seconds. Note that when AC power is lost, the ACC-25/50 will shut off
background music to conserve batteries.
Note that the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction must approve the use of background music.
Background music is not available with the ACC-25/50ZS or ACC-25/50ZST
Amplifier Fault
• Both amplifiers are constantly monitored for proper functionality. Should either amplifier fail,
the AMP SUPV LED will turn off and the Circuit Trouble LED will turn on. When the system
is configured for backup, failure of the primary amplifier will cause the backup amplifier to be
switched in.
NAC (Speaker) Output
• The wiring to each amplifier is supervised for opens and shorts at all times in standby and
while in alarm or when background music
is enabled. A wiring fault will cause the circuit
Trouble LED located on each amplifier module to turn on. It should be noted that the green
AMP SUPV LED may remain on for wiring faults.
• The ACC-ZSM wiring to each speaker circuit is supervised for opens and shorts in standby and
for shorts while in alarm. A wiring fault will cause the zone/circuit Trouble LED on the ACC-
ZPMK corresponding to the affected circuit to turn on.
Note that the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction must approve the use of background music.
Background music is not available with the ACC-25/50ZS or ACC-25/50ZST
ACC-ZPMK Zone Page Module
• The ACS wiring between the ACC-ZPMK and FACP is supervised. A loss of communication
on the ACS (EIA-485) link will cause the FACP Trouble LED to light on the ACC-ZPMK
• The ribbon cable between the ACC-ZPMK and audio panel is supervised. A loss of
communication will cause the ACC Trouble LED to light on the ACC-ZPMK module.
Remote Microphone
• The FC-RM Remote Microphone and associated wiring are supervised for faults by the panel.
• ACC-25/50 & ACC-25/50ZS: The Trouble LED located on the FC-MIM Microphone
Interface Module, which is mounted in the panel, will illuminate on a trouble condition.
• ACC-25/50ZST: The Remote Microphone Trouble LED located on the ACC-FFT keypad will
illuminate on a trouble condition. Refer to the FC-RM Product Installation Document #51247
for a description of possible fault conditions
Power ON LED
• The loss of primary (AC) and secondary (battery) power will extinguish the Power ON LED.
Internal Power Supplies
• Power fed to the amplifiers from the main circuit board is fully supervised. Should standby or
alarm power feeds to either amplifier fail, the unit will go into trouble. Note that a power
trouble on one amplifier will not affect the power to the other amplifier.