Audio Command Center Series Manual — P/N 51889:E1 6/8/2010 99
Calculating the System Current Draw Power Supply Calculations
6.3.2 How to use Table 6.2 to calculate system current draws
1. Enter the quantity of devices in both columns.
2. Enter the DC current draw where required. Refer to the Fire•Lite Device Compatibility
Document for compatible devices and their current draw.
3. Calculate the current draws for each in both columns.
4. Sum the total current for each column.
5. Copy the totals from Column 1 and Column 2 to Table 6.3 on page 100.
Following are the types of current that can be entered into Table 6.2 :
Calculation Column 1 - The standby current load that the audio panel must support (from
the batteries) during a non-fire alarm condition and a loss of AC power.
Calculation Column 2 - The alarm current draw that the audio panel must support (from
the batteries) during a fire alarm condition and a loss of AC power
Table 6.2 contains two columns for calculating current draws. For each column, calculate the cur-
rent and enter the total (in amps) in the bottom row. When finished, copy the totals from Calcula-
tion Column 1 and Calculation Column 2 to Table 6.3 on page 100.
Device Type
Calculation Column 1
Secondary, Non-Fire Alarm Current
Calculation Column 2
Secondary, Fire Alarm Current
X [current
draw] =
total Qty
X [current
draw] =
ACC-25/50 consisting of:
Main Circuit Board and
one ACC-AAM25 Audio Amplifier
X [0.285]
=[ ] 1
X [2.385]
=[ ]
consisting of
Main Circuit Board, one ACC-AAM25
Audio Amplifier, one ACC-ZPMK Zone
Page Module and one ACC-ZSM Zone
Splitter Module
X [0.440]
X [2.505]
Audio Amplifier Module
[ ]
(1 max.)
X [0.065]= [ ] [ ] X [2.00]= [ ]
FC-RM Remote Microphone with
FC-MIM Microphone Interface Module
[ ]
(1 max.)
X [0.006]= [ ] [ ] X [0.030]= [ ]
ACC-ZPMK Zone Page Module [ ] X[0.059]= [ ] [ ] X[0.059]= [ ]
ACC-ZSM Zone Splitter Module [ ] X[0.005]= [ ] [ ] X[0.063]= [ ]
ACC-FFT Fire Fighter Telephone
[ ] X[0.057] [ ] X[0.082] [ ]
ACC-EPM External Page Module [ ] X [0.005]= [ ] [ ] X [0.005]= [ ]
Power Supervision Relays [ ] X [ ]= [ ] [ ] X [ ]= [ ]
Additional Current Draw from TB4
Special Application Auxiliary Power
(0.035 amps maximum)
[ ] X [ ]= [ ] [ ] X [ ]= [ ]
Sum each column for totals Secondary non-alarm: Secondary alarm:
Table 6.2 System Current Draw Calculations
1 Include the ACC-25/50ZS and the ACC-FFT when calculating current draw for the ACC-25/50ZST.
2 In backup configurations, the optional ACC-AAM25 draws no current in alarm
3 Uses the same current draw whether the Remote Microphone Module is connected via the FC-MIM
or ACC-FFT module.
4 The FC-XRM70 Transformer Module draws no current in standby or alarm
5 The FC-LPS Local Playback Speaker Module draws no current in standby or alarm
6 The ACC-25/50 will turn off the background music in the event AC power is lost in order to conserve
battery power.
7 Refer to the Fire•Lite Device Compatibility Document for compatible devices and their current draws