6 - 16
Exit ToAdmin Exiting the function that handles the mode switch into admin mode. LOG_PROCESSING
Exit ToUser Exiting the user mode switch function. LOG_PROCESSING
Exit ToUser-Registry
read failure
The AppName value does not exist in the registry so user mode cannot be en-
Exit verify password-
no pwd set
Exiting password verification. LOG_PROCESSING
Exit verify password-
response from dialog
Exiting password verification. LOG_PROCESSING
Found taskbar The handle to the taskbar has been found so that AppLock can disable it in user
Getting address of
keyboard hook init pro-
AppLock is retrieving the address of the keyboard hook. LOG_PROCESSING
Getting configuration
from registry
The AppLock configuration is being read from the registry. This occurs at ini-
tialization and also at entry into user mode. The registry must be re-read at en-
try into user mode in case the administration changed the settings of the
application being controlled.
Getting encrypt pwd
The length of the encrypted password is being calculated. LOG_EX
Hook wndproc failure AppLock is unable to lock the application. This could happen if the application
being locked encountered an error after performing its initialization and shut it-
self down prior to being locked by AppLock.
Hook wndproc of open
app failure
The application is open, but AppLock cannot lock it. LOG_ERROR
Hot key event creation
The Admin applet is unable to create the hotkey notification. LOG_ERROR
Hot key pressed Processing the hotkey and backdoor entry LOG_EX
Hot key pressed Processing the hotkey and backdoor entry LOG_EX
Hot key set event fail-
When the administrator changes the hotkey configuration the hotkey controller
must be notified. This notification failed.
Hotkey press message
The user just pressed the configured hotkey. LOG_PROCESSING
In app hook:WM_SIZE In addition to preventing the locked application from exiting, AppLock must also
prevent the application from enabling the taskbar and resizing the application’s
window. This message traps a change in the window size and corrects it.
In app hook:WM_WIN-
In addition to preventing the locked application from exiting, AppLock must also
prevent the application from enabling the taskbar and resizing the application’s
window. This message traps a change in the window position and corrects it.
Initializing keyboard
hook procedure
AppLock is calling the keyboard hook initialization. LOG_PROCESSING
Keyboard hook initial-
ization failure
The keyboard filter initialization failed. LOG_ERROR
Keyboard hook loaded
The keyboard hook dll exists and loaded successfully. LOG_EX
L after Ctrl Processing the backdoor entry. LOG_EX
Loading keyboard
When AppLock first loads, it loads a dll that contains the keyboard hook pro-
cessing. This message is logged prior to the load attempt.
Open failure The status information is being saved to a file and the file open has failed. This
could occur if the file is write protected. If the file does not exist, it is created.
Open registry failure If the Administration registry key does not exist, the switch to user mode fails
because the AppName value in the Administration key is not available.
Message Explanation and/or corrective action Level