8 - 11
When All is selected in the Symbology field and the settings are changed, the settings in this dialog become the
defaults, used unless overwritten by the settings for individual symbologies. This is also true for Custom IDs, where the
code IDs to be stripped are specified by the user.
Note: In Custom mode on the Data Options tab, any Code IDs not specified by the user will not be stripped, because
they will not be recognized as Code IDs.
If a specific symbology's settings have been configured, a star (*) will appear next to it in the Symbology drop down
box, so the user can tell which symbologies have been modified from their defaults.
If a particular symbology has been configured, the entire set of parameters from that symbologies screen are in effect
for that symbology. In other words, either the settings for the configured symbology will be used, or the default settings
are used, not a combination of the two.
If a symbology has not been configured (does not have an * next to it) the settings for All are used which is not neces-
sarily the default.
Enable, Min, Max
This check box enables (checked) or disables (unchecked) the symbology field.
The scanner driver searches the beginning of the bar code data for the type of ID specified in the Data Options tab
-- Enable Code ID field plus any custom identifiers.
When a code ID match is found as the scanner driver processes incoming bar code data, if the symbology is dis-
abled, the bar code is rejected. Otherwise, the other settings in the dialog are applied and the bar code is pro-
If the symbology is disabled, all other fields on this dialog are dimmed.
If there are customized settings, uncheck the Enable check box for the All symbology. This results in disabling all
symbologies except the customized ones.
This field specifies the minimum length that the bar code data (not including Code ID) must meet to be processed.
Any bar code scanned that is less than the number of characters specified in the Min field is rejected. The default
for this field is 1.
This field specifies the maximum length that the bar code data (not including Code ID) can be processed. Any bar
code scanned that has more characters than specified in the Max field is rejected. The default for this field is All
If the value entered is greater than the maximum value allowed for that symbology, the maximum valid length is
used instead.
Strip Leading/Trailing Control
This group of controls determines what data is removed from the collected data before the data is buffered for the
application. When all values are set, Code ID takes precedence over Leading and Trailing; Barcode Data stripping is
performed last. Stripping occurs before the Prefix and Suffix are added, so does not affect them.
If the total number of characters being stripped is greater than the number of characters in the collected data, it
becomes a zero byte data string.
If, in addition, Strip Code ID is enabled, and no prefix or suffix is configured, the processing will return a zero-byte data
packet, which will be rejected.