9 - 4
Script Based Launch Items
Note: Script Based Launch items (documented here) are processed after Registry Based Launch items, see Registry Based
Launch Items (page 9-1).
The Enhanced (script based) portion of the Launch utility provides several features:
• Launch .CAB file
• Run .EXE file
• Run .EXE file using specified parameters
• Run .BAT file
• Process .REG file
• Copy file, with or without overwriting of existing file
• Delete file
• Create directory
• Remove directory
• Add / Update a registry field
• Delete a registry field
• Add a registry subkey
• Delete a registry key
• Display an on-screen message; message requires OK to continue
• Conditional commands, based on existence of file or folder
• Conditional commands, based on device type
• End block of conditional commands
• Create a shortcut
• Perform a Suspend/Resume (Restart is not useful in this context).
The script developer has the option of pausing script file execution until the current action completes, or continuing script file
processing. The script developer is also able to pause for a specified number of milliseconds between commands.
The utility also processes .REG files, using the same format as the legacy Launch Utility. It does this by calling the RegLoad util-
ity. It can also process .BAT files, by calling the Command Prompt utility.
• By default, Enhanced Launch processes both registry entries and scripts, if present. There are registry settings to enable/
disable processing of both types of files.
• Script files may have the extension .CLD (for cold boot) or .WRM (for warm boot.) With this extension, they may be clicked to
execute from the File Explorer. When clicked directly, the extensions do not matter (a script ending in .CLD does not have to
be preceded by a suspend/resume).
Enhanced Launch Utility Use
The Enhanced Launch Utility can be used at OS startup to execute commands from a script file or to launch programs. The
user can configure scripts or registry entries for different operation after Warm Boot and Restart. Use of scripts and registry
entries is documented in the following sections.
File Names
From a Restart, Launch tries to find the file JmpStart.cld, but from a Warm Boot it looks for JmpStart.wrm. The Launch pro-
gram can also be run manually. Unless it is given a file as part of the command line it tries to run Launch.txt. The script file
may be in ASCII or Unicode.
When trying to find a script file, Launch looks in the following locations (in sequence):
1. root directory of the Flash (\System\JmpStart.xxx)
2. root directory of the SD card (\SD Card\JmpStart.xxx).
In addition, a script file can be written (with a cld or .wrm extension), and can be double-clicked to run from the File
Command line structure
Each command takes up one line. Every command uses the format: