Table 3. SCSI configuration options (continued)
Definition O ption and default description Default value
TapeAlert Mode This option enables you to specify the conditions
for logging and reporting the following tape alert
data options:
v Logging Disabled: Inhibits the logging feature.
v No Exceptions: Prohibits the library from
reporting information exceptions.
v Generate Unit Attention: Reports information
exceptions with a Unit Attention sense key and
an ASC/ASCQ of 5D/00.
v Conditionally Generate Recovered Error:
Reports information exceptions with a Recovered
Error sense key and an ASC/ASCQ of 5D/00, if
Recovered Error Reporting is enabled.
v Unconditionally Generate Recovered Error:
Reports information exceptions unconditionally
with a Recovered Error sense key and an
ASC/ASCQ of 5D/00.
v Generate No Sense: Reports information
exceptions with a No Sense sense key and an
ASC/ASCQ of 5D/00.
v Report on Unsolicited Request Sense: Reports
information exceptions with a No Sense sense
key and an ASC/ASCQ of 5D/00, only in
response to an unsolicited REQUEST SENSE
Abort Move Status This option enables you to specify the SCSI
response while aborting a SCSI command. The
possible settings are busy or not ready.
Door Open
This option enables you to specify the SCSI
response when a library door is open. The settings
are ready or not ready.
Not Ready
Initiate Wide Data
This option enables you to set the library to initiate
a SCSI synchronous and wide data transfer
negotiation with the host. The settings are do not
initiate or initiate.
Data Speed
This option enables you to set the SCSI data
transfer rate to Synchronous, 10 MB/sec, 5 MB/sec
or Asynchronous Only.
Synchronous, 10
Network Options: This option enables you to view the settings defined in the
Network option in the Edit Options area as shown in Figure 40 on page 35.
34 4560SLX Tape Library: User’s Guide