Fault symptom codes (FSCs)
Table 7 lists the FSCs and their related ERPs that might be displayed on the touch
screen. If an FSC continues, report it to IBM technical support.
Table 7. Fault symptom codes
Message FSC ERP
OS Catastrophic Error 0901 G
OS Task Exit Error 0902 G
SCSI Firmware Error 1001 D,G
SCSI FIFO Empty 1002 D,G
SCSI FIFO Error 1003 D,G
SCSI Gross Error 1004 C,D,G
Illegal SCSI Cnt Cmd 1005 C,D,G
SCSI Message Error 1006 D,G
SCSI Invalid Element 1007 D,G
SCSI No Pending Int. 1008 D,G
SCSI Invalid Int. 1009 D,G
Illegal Move 2008 C,G
Door Open (status only) 2009 F
Menu Mode (status only) 200A F
Cart Unaccessible 200C F
Drive In Error 200D C,G
No Magazine 200E F
Removal Prevented 200F F
Ctl. Firmware Error 2010 C,G
Drive Code Update Command Error 2080 C,G
Move Command Failure 2081 C,G
Open Mail Slot Fault 2090 C,G
Open Left Door Fault 2091 C,G
Open Right Door Fault 2092 C,G
Open Doors Fault 2093 C,G
Open DLT Handle Fault 2094 C,G
No IP Address Found 20a0 C,G
No IP Address Mode Fault 20a1 C,G
No Gateway Address Found 20a2 C,G
Unknown Exchange For The Async message 20b0 C,G
Drive In Error 20c0 C,G
Drive In Error 20c1 C,G
Motor Fault Condition 3000 C,G
Shuttle Tach Errors 3001 C,G
Picker Tach Errors 3002 C,G
Rotary Tach Errors 3003 C,G
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting 49