now controlled through the master. The missing options identify the module
as a slave as shown in Figure 84.
8. Repeat step 1 through step 6 for all slave modules.
9. Using the touch screen, power off all modules, both master and slaves, after
configuration and then switch the master power switch at the rear of each
module to the off (0) position.
10. Verify that all modules are powered down.
11. Proceed to “Cabling and interface connections”.
Cabling and interface connections
Before the cartridge elevator combination can communicate with the host device or
user applications, the connections shown in Figure 85 on page 86 must be made. A
four module library is used for illustration purposes. The second module (slave 0)
has been selected as the secondary master.
1. Verify that the modules and router have been properly installed in the rack.
Power down all the modules and the router.
Figure 84. Module configured as a slave
Appendix B. Adding a library module 85