AS/400 Prompt
Remote AS/400
Parameter Notes
Connection initiation CNNINIT CNNINIT If X.25 DCE support is specified (X25DCE(*YES)) for
either system, CNNINIT(*LOCAL) should also be
specified on that system’s line description. The other
system (with X25DCE(*NO) specified) should specify
For switched connections, both systems can also
specify X25DCE(*NEG) to negotiate the Distributed
Computing Environment (DCE) and data terminal
equipment (DTE) roles and CNNINIT(*CALLER) to allow
either system to initiate the connection by making the
See the X25DCE parameter for additional
Duplex DUPLEX DUPLEX Depending on the type of communications used, the
values specified for the DUPLEX parameters may need
to be coordinated.
Ethernet standard ETHSTD ETHSTD Values specified for each system must be coordinated.
Both systems must specify the same standard (*ETHV2
or *IEEE8023) or at least one system must specify
Exchange identifier EXCHID EXCHID Remote AS/400 controller description EXCHID must
match the local AS/400 line description EXCHID. The
first three digits of the exchange identifier, known as the
block number, is 056 for the AS/400 line. You can use
the Work with Line Descriptions (WRKLIND) command
to determine this value.
Logical channel
LGLCHLE LGLCHLE If X.25 DCE support is specified (X25DCE(*YES) or
X25DCE(*NEG)), logical channel types and channel
numbers must be coordinated. See also the
considerations for the X25DCE parameter.
Line speed LINESPEED LINESPEED For asynchronous lines, the line speeds specified for
each system must match.
Modulus MODULUS MODULUS If X.25 DCE support is specified (X25DCE(*YES) or
X25DCE(*NEG)), modulus values specified for each
system must match.
The values specified for this parameter should match for
all communications types.
Local network address NETADR CNNNBR For switched virtual circuits (SVCs), the NETADR
parameter on the local system line description must
match the CNNNBR parameter on the controller
description for the remote system.
NRZI data encoding NRZI NRZI Values specified for each system must match (*YES or
Data link role ROLE ROLE The value specified for the local system line description
ROLE parameter should match the controller description
ROLE parameter specified at the remote system.
Number of stop bits STOPBITS STOPBITS Values specified for each system must match.
Switched connection
SWTCNN SWTCNN Values specified for each system must be compatible.
(*DIAL or *ANS must not be specified for both systems.)
34 Version 5