AS/400 Prompt
Remote AS/400
Parameter Notes
LCLLOCNAME RMTLOCNAME For systems not using APPN (APPN(*NO) specified for
the controller and device descriptions), this value must
match the value specified by the RMTLOCNAME
parameter on the remote system device description.
APPC device descriptions are automatically created as
needed by the AS/400 APPN support, when the
following is specified on the controller description:
Location Password LOCPWD LOCPWD This parameter must match on both the local and
remote APPC device.
Note: If you want a value other than *NONE for APPN
devices, this value must be configured on the
QAPPNRMT configuration list.
Mode MODE MODE For systems not using APPN (APPN(*NO) specified for
the controller and device descriptions), this value must
match the value specified by the MODE parameter on
the remote device description.
For systems using APPN (APPN(*YES) specified for the
controller and device descriptions), the specified mode
description must exist on the remote system. The mode
description name need not be specified in the remote
device description.
Remote location name RMTLOCNAME LCLLOCNAME For systems not using APPN (APPN(*NO) specified for
the controller and device descriptions), this value must
match the value specified by the LCLLOCNAME
parameter on the remote device description.
APPC device descriptions are automatically created as
needed by AS/400 APPN support if APPN(*YES) is
specified for the controller description.
RMTNETID LCLNETID RMTNETID specified on the local AS/400 system device
description must match the local network ID specified in
the network attributes of the remote AS/400 system.
Single session SNGSSN SNGSSN For Element 1 ( single-session device description), this
parameter must match on both the local and remote
APPC device.
Note: If you want a value other than *NO for APPN
devices, this value must be configured on the
QAPPNRMT configuration list.For Element 2 (number of
single-session conversations), this parameter does not
need to match the remote device.
For more information on AS/400 parameters, see the Communications Configuration book.
Connecting one AS/400 to another AS/400 system
Configuration parameters must be coordinated when you specify controller, device, and line descriptions
for the local and remote AS/400.
Example 1: AS/400 to AS/400 using X.25
Chapter 6. Communicating with a remote AS/400 system 37