Displaying the Product Activity Log to solve communication problems
The Print Error Log and the Product Activity Log provide you with important information for solving
communications problems.
To view the product activity log, do the following:
1. Display or print the product activity log using these steps:
v Type STRSST (Start System Service Tools) on any AS/400 command line, and press the Enter key.
v In the System Service Tools menu, select Option 1 to display or print the product activity log.
For more information about the Product Activity Log, see the Communications Management
For related information, see:
v History logs
v “System service tools and communication problems” on page 82
v “Using error messages to aid in error recovery” on page 84
Displaying the Print Error Log to solve communication problems
The Print Error Log and the Product Activity Log provide you with important information for solving
communications problems.
To view the Print Error Log, do the following:
1. Type PRTERRLOG (Print Error Log) on any AS/400 command line. Press the Enter key.
The command places a formatted printer file of the machine error log in a spooled printer file that is
named QPCSMPRT or in a specified output file.
2. Find and read these error logs.
For more information about displaying the Print Error Log, see the Communications Management
A variety of job logs may contain information that helps you determine the cause of a communications
problem. For a detailed description of these job logs, see: “Job logs and communication problems”
Job logs and communication problems
A variety of job logs may contain information that helps you determine the cause of a communications
problem. Many of these logs contain messages that can help you understand what the system has done
concerning your communications functions. The following are some of the most useful jobs to review when
you have a communications problem:
System arbiter. This job log is for devices, and communications in general. It also contains
ONLINE at IPL messages.
Communications and input/output system job. This job log is for problem logging and for local area
network (LAN) manager messages. It also contains ONLINE at IPL messages for network servers
and their lines.
Communications arbiter. These job logs contain information for communications startup,
take-down, and error recovery.
QLUS Logical unit services.
QLUR Logical unit (LU) 6.2 resynchronization job. This job log is for two-phase commit synchronization
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