14 Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management
HMC Configuration. In the right panel select Customize Network Setting,
press the LAN Adapters tab, choose the interface used for remote access and
press Details. In the new window select the Firewall tab. Check that the ssh port
is allowed for access (see Figure 6).
Figure 6 Firewall settings for eth1 interface
Install the ssh client on the AIX node:
The packages can be found on the AIX 5L Bonus Pack CD. To get the latest
release packages, access the following URL:
Openssl is required for installing the Openssh package. You can install it from
the AIX 5L Toolbox for Linux CD, or access the Web site:
After the installation, verify that the openssh filesets are installed by using the
lslpp command on the AIX node, as shown in Example 1.
Example 1 Check openssh filesets are installed
root@julia/.ssh>lslpp -L |grep ssh
openssh.base.client C F Open Secure Shell Commands
openssh.base.server C F Open Secure Shell Server
openssh.license C F Open Secure Shell License
openssh.man.en_US C F Open Secure Shell