16 Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management
Now, we force node nils to fail and prepare to start the takeover scenario (see
Figure 7).
Figure 7 CoD and dynamic LPAR operations after takeover
Enabling On/Off CoD for processor and memory
Before activating the CPU and memory resources, you have to prepare the CoD
environment by getting an enablement code from IBM. For more information
about how to get an activation code, refer to the CoD Web site:
Activating On/Off CoD using the graphical interface. From the Server
Management window, highlight the managed system. Click on Selected →
Manage on Demand Activations → Capacity on Demand (see Figure 8 on
page 17).
P550 – 2 CPU - 8GB
nils (production)
2 CPUs (dedicated)
7 GB
P550 – 4 CPU – 8 GB
nicole_vio (VIO server)
0.8 CPU (shared)
1024 MB
julia (production)
2 CPU (shared)
7 GB
CoD activation
DLPAR operations
1 - Failover to node julia
2 - Node julia remotely activates CoD and performs DLPAR operations via HMC
oli (production)
1 CPU (dedicated)
5120 MB