50 Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management
The following procedure is an example of running a microcode update procedure
for a p550 system using the HMC.
In our example, we use a p550 system attached to the HMC. We select the FTP
server method for installing the microcode update from version 01SF220 to the
new version 01SF230. We downloaded the rpm and xml file from the microcode
download Web page and put them on the FTP server. Since we are upgrading to
a new release of firmware, the update is non-concurrent and a system power off
must be performed before starting the upgrade procedure.
At the beginning of the installation procedure, always check for the most updated
version of the HMC code. In our example, we used HMC 4.5. For the latest code
version of the HMC, refer to the Web page:
Steps performed to update the microcode of the p550 system are as follows:
1. Access License Internal Code Updates menus on HMC. In the Management
Area, select License Internal Code Maintenance → Licensed Internal
Code Updates (see Figure 36 on page 51). Select Upgrade Internal
Licensed Code to a new release.
Attention: Before updating the microcode of the system, we recommend to
carefully read the installation notes of the version you plan to install. For
further information, refer to the microcode download for eServer pSeries
systems page at: