Notes: In Figure 25, in the DEVICE DETAIL REPORT, the data stored for device
80F reflects snapping the data from 80E. Also, the physical used capacity
reflects its source on device 80E. The key indicator is the
NET-CAPACITY-LOAD (%), which shows that the PROD capacity of the
RVA has remained constant at 51.01%.
Using the VOLUME command, we verified that the target volume serial
number had been changed to PATEV3.
The actual time to accomplish the copy was less than 1 sec, as indicated
by messages IXFP22I and IXFP20I, which show the start and end times for
the copy.
We used the above configuration as the base for all other manipulations of the
RVA during the creation of this redbook. The RVA now contains two volumes,
which have the same content but different volume serial numbers.
B.1.3 Using SnapShot to Copy a File from One Volume to Another
In the Figure 26, we show the snapping of a single file from one volume to
another. The example shows the copy being done twice—once without the
NOPROMPT option, and once with it. When NOPROMPT is selected, message
IXFP23D is suppressed.
ixfp snap,80e(dsn=′ test.data.1′):80f
15 yes
AR 0015 IXFP22I SNAP TO CUU= 80F STARTED AT 11:44:44 11/20/1998
AR 0015 IXFP20I SNAP FUNCTION COMPLETED AT 11:44:44 11/20/1998
AR 0015 1I40I READY
ixfp snap,80e(dsn=′ test.data.1′):80f,noprompt
AR 0015 IXFP22I SNAP TO CUU= 80F STARTED AT 18:16:59 11/17/1998
AR 0015 IXFP20I SNAP FUNCTION COMPLETED AT 18:16:59 11/17/1998
AR 0015 1I40I READY
Figure 26. Making a SnapShot of a Single File
B.1.4 Using SnapShot to Copy Files with Relocation
In the Figure 27 on page 48, we show two attempts to copy a file from device
80E to 80F with relocation of the data on the target volume. The first copy is
successful. The second copy fails because there is already a file on the target
with the same file ID in the VTOC and it is unexpired. (The first would have
failed also except that the first file′s expiration date had been reached.)
Appendix B. IXFP Command Examples 47